Thursday, 19 December 2013

Da vinci code
A murder inside the louve and clues in da Vinci paintings leas to the discovery of a religious mystery protected by a secret society for two thousand years, which could snake the foundations of christianity.
This film is a great insperation for us and gives us the idea of doing a religeouds thriller. th character silas is the inspiration around our main character.


The Costume That We Used

 We borrowed the hooded robe from a small local costume company and they were all to happy to help us. We have used this for the priest as it was quite misterious and made my family jump when i walked in my house with it on with it on.
 This is the jumper we chose to use in our thriller because it isnt as in your face as the other jumpers and we new the opening would be in greyscale and this was better astheticly than the other ones with this affect.
 This was a good jumper, we thought, if our opening wasnt going to be black and white because it was a nice jumper to look at.
We didnt think this jumper was good as it reminded us of a golfing jumper and that isnt the look that we wanted. Also in greyscale the black was way to dark and it looked strange.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Shots we thought of using

Although it's quite hard to see, but this is a shot of a priest coming towards a man who he is chasing after. This is similar to the scenario we are using so maybe we could take shots from this opening and put it in ours.
Although it's not really that clear on this screen shot, we get the idea that this man is in some kind of distress from the priest chasing him. So we could also use this in our scenario from when the priest follows the boy.
Through out all of this opening sequence we see very stereotypical conventions of a thriller film... mainly that the villain isn't revealed until right at the end of the opening sequence and that we are only given clues... Resulting in the audience having to think about what/who it may be. This could also be something to consider for our opening sequence.

Location for Thriller

Thriller genre in images

Art of the title

Cape Fear (1991)

The titles for Cape Fear are full of different symbols and metaphors that are within the film. these are:


1.    Liquid: a physical setting and it is also a moral quicksand

2.    Eyes and eye- lines: this is used to show surveillance and the judgement that is going to happen, it also shows the human connection

3.    Blood, or the colour red: sacrifice, anger, rage and damage

4.    Predatory behavior: This is shown as a hawk in the titles, but is Cady in the film - Links

Psycho (1960)


It’s safe to say that after half a century of critical writing about Psycho, there are few stones left unturned. The same can also be said of Bass’ now infamous opening title sequence. Designed on a $21k budget, it is likely his most significant and familiar accomplishment in the eyes of cinephiles and laymen alike. Admittedly, Bass does not give his audience much to work with.
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963)

It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Bass’ titles for It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World come in at just over four minutes — his longest sequence, second only to West Side Story in 1961. He directed it in 1963, the same year that he designed the iconic poster for Hitchcock’sThe Birds. The animation techniques used by Bass in Mad World were heavily influenced by a new movement in the cartoon industry that favored a modern, stylized aesthetic over the then-dominant school of Disney hyper-realism.