Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Analysis of ‘Psycho’ shower scene, explore how film techniques are used to create effects.’

The predominant shot that is used throughout the shower sequence are close ups.  An example of this is when she is washing herself we are very close to her. This is to give the impression there isn’t much space in the bathroom. This is used so we can see, the actress who gets stabbed, emotion also the closeness gives us a sense of claustrophobia from being in such a small space. This could make the audience uncomfortable because she is also naked and create suspense because we can’t really see much of the room. Mostly the shots once she is in the shower are point of view; these are used so you feel like you are the character. This is so the audience can feel sympathy towards her when she is completely helpless and cannot prevent what is coming. Towards the beginning of the sequence low angle shots are being used as a POV of the woman showing that she is helpless it also shows that the shower is going right into her eyes and this could be blinding her thus making the attack easy. The speed of editing is quite normal to start with as if it was a normal day and she was just getting in the shower. This may deceive the audience into believing that nothing is going to happen while she is in the shower. Then the camera moves as the killer enters the room the movement is slow to give a slow realization to the audience. Once the shower curtain has been pulled back the length between changes in shot diminishes and it becomes very quick and this disorientates the audience by having two different POV shots and then 3rd person shots. There is a graphic match where the plug whole fades into the lady’s eye and then rotates round following the motion of the water down the plug whole this also makes the audience disorientated and not know which way is up.

The diegetic sounds such as the water from the shower are to show that the lady in the shower is not expecting a thing when the killer walks in, because the audience can only hear the water we assume that the lady can only hear the water very loudly. The lady’s scream is loud high pitched scream showing that she is very scared this helps to build tension in the few seconds before she gets stabbed.  At the point in which she is being stabbed the thumping of the knife in her make the audience know she has been stabbed several times and with quite a force this shows the audience that the killer is a ‘psycho’ and fitting in with the tittle of the film. Towards the end of the sequence we have a fade from the water flowing to crickets showing that there was nobody around and it was late at night, and also that the killer may have got away with it because there were no witnesses.  The non-diegetic sound of the music is the big tension builder by having the mysterious bass line and the high screeching of the violins that really contrast each other.


This is a point of view of the shower head that shows the audience that the lady in the shower is most likely blinded by it. The brightness in the shot shows that the person who is going to kill he must know the surrounding and when to strike. The cleanliness of the place makes us believe that the lady must have paid a lot to be in this hotel and that the owner looks after it very well. This isn’t really a typical thriller shot so I believe it is used to throw people off the scent of the lady dyeing abut it also starts the POV’s off so we aren’t so disorientated when the stabbing occurs.

This shot is a POV close up of the killer who is dressed up as a woman this shows us everything that we would see if we were in her position and to show there is no escape.. The water is covering her face so the identity is shielded and this makes the audience believe the killer is someone else. The costume is a normal shirt that women like that would wear. The knife is a normal everyday kitchen knife this makes the killer be more realistic as if they have just picked it up and gone to stab the lady. The fact that the sleeve is rolled up may show to the audience that the killer means business.


This shot that flashes to the sky and the thunder storm happening that this is pathetic fallacy. The weather is showing the mood of the weather is like the mood in the bathroom. The sky shows rainy and scary weather. Some people are scared of lightning and most people will be scared when the lady is being stabbed.

1 comment:

  1. Some good work so far. We have discussed adding two further analyses to our blog and some details and examples of conventions generic to thriller film.
