Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Mies-en-scene for thriller

The Actors

In our opening for our thriller we do not have many actors because we do not want to over crowd the scene. This in mind, we are only having two actors in the whole of the extract. The two characters are going to be a young adult and a priest. The young adult will be played Joe. And the priest will be played by my dad. We think that age is important as if we had a teenager playing the priest, well it just wouldn’t be realistic. This is why we have decided to get an older person to play the part.


We also take location just as seriously. As a group we researched on different places to have the scenario. Obviously, with a priest, you would want a church. So we all looked into different churches in Spalding in which we could get permissions to film in. Eventually, we got the permissions to film in St Mary’s church in Spalding providing there was no dialogue in the church and that we kept to people’s privacy as it is a public church.

Make-up and Costumes

The young adult won’t need any make up and would only need to wear everyday clothing. However, with the priest, we want a look to make him look like he’s already been up to no good. We want him to look pale and ‘scary’in a way. We are dressing the priest in a large robe with a dog collar. We were thinking about a scar that runs down his face. We may be able to get hold of a make-up designer to help us out.


During this extract we only use a minimal amount of props. We are going to use 4/5 crosses to put the credits on, outside by the church. We think this will be effective as it gives the audience a sense of death before the action starts so they know what they’re in for. We are also using a bible for the boy to use to pray.

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