Wednesday, 13 November 2013

plot for the triller opening


A young adult walks towards a church, through the graveyard. The church door is already half open which draws the boy into the church. He shuts the door behind him gently. Slowly a figure walks behind him and the boy turns around quickly. The boy walks up to a pew to take a seat. He puts his head down to pray. The priest is sat 4 seats behind. The boy puts his head and back down… the priest is now 2 seats behind. The boy puts his head down and back up and nothing is there anymore. Then goes to walk out… He puts his coat on as he walks out, he puts his head done to put his zip up at this point the priest is right at the back of the church looking at the boy. The boy sees his shoe lace untied. He sighs. At this point the priest disappears. The boy then goes down to do his shoe lace. The boy hears foot steps behind him and he turns around then the priest runs in front of him. As he stands we see the confused facial expression he makes. At this point the priest is directly behind him but cannot be seen until the priests head moves and his hand goes over the boys shoulder. End of opening.

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